Economic History Association 2015 Annual Meeting
The theme for EHA 2015 is “diversity” in economic history. Diversity refers to differences in economic outcomes by race, ethnicity or tribal group, religion, location within countries (for example, urban vs. rural, or North vs. South), gender, and other attributes and how these evolve over the course of economic development. Papers documenting these differences in historical settings are welcome, as are papers that measure the impact of various institutions or government policies (for example, the Civil Rights Movement in the United States) or that examine long run trends in economic inequality more broadly construed.
Paper proposals should include a 3-5 page précis and a 150-word abstract suitable for publication in the Journal of Economic History.
Graduate students are encouraged to attend the meeting. The Association offers subsidies for travel, hotel, registration, and meals, including a special graduate student dinner. For more information refer to the Call for Papers. Furthermore, the poster submission system is now open:
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gdri (March 31, 2015). Economic History Association 2015 Annual Meeting. EurasiaTrajeco. Retrieved January 15, 2025 from